Home MLB How to make a bad impression at your new workplace

How to make a bad impression at your new workplace

by Matt Smith

The drugs issue will not go away, kept in the spotlight by Bonds’ chase for 755 and the odd new “shock” story. The recent New York State investigation into steroids has caught a few baseball players in its web, not least Gary Matthews Jr. ESPN today makes reference to a New York Times story that reveals how the Angels are frustrated because Matthews is keeping quiet. The story quotes Angels spokesman Tim Mead as saying “We want as much information as Gary can provide, but he can’t or won’t tell us anything,”.

Now, as his employer you would think the Angels had a right to ask why he has been alleged to have purchased Human Growth Hormone (HGH). As an employee, he represents their ball club and anything that reflects badly on him will reflect badly on the Angels. There’s also the obvious disruption that these stories will cause during Spring Training for his teammates and coaches.

But when you consider that the Angels have just given him a $50 million contract, some level of accountability should be expected, don’t you think?! I can understand why Matthews has declined to comment much on the stories to the Media. Legal proceedings are ongoing (not against Matthews) and the smart thing to do is to keep quiet until all the facts are known; however giving the media some story-fodder and having a confidential meeting with your employer are two completely different scenarios.

Frankly, if the Angels’ spokesman was not directly quoted in the story I don’t think I would have believed it. It seems a very strange way to treat your new organization and team mates if you ask me.

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