Home British baseballProject COBB A successful hunt for information on the 1994 independent league final

A successful hunt for information on the 1994 independent league final

by Joe Gray

Cobb (128x128)One of the main reasons I started up the Project for the Chronicling of British Baseball (Project Cobb) was to maintain an online registry of research projects being conducted on baseball in Britain. While it has been enjoyable adding projects onto the list, it is also satisfying to cross them off once they are completed.  One such example was a mini-project run by Mark Tobin (the man behind the invaluable British Baseball Data website). He was extremely keen to find details on the 1994 independent league final, starting with the score, and this is something he managed to do this week.

If you are carrying out a full-scale research project, or have a smaller question you wish to answer, please contact me (by email if you have my address or using the About > Get in contact functionality of the site if not) to request its addition to the research registry.

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